Book name: Kisukhon
Writter- Humayun Ahmed
Short story-synopsis
The story begins on the train and ends on the train. Humayun Ahmed has explained various aspects of human life and various psychological issues in a very beautiful way. Chitra (a physics student at Dhaka University) is the main protagonist of the story going to her uncle's house by train and the protagonist of the story Ashhab is a doctor. The story takes different forms with the different aspects of Ashhab's liking with Chitra. Rashid, on the other hand, is one of the best mathematicians in the world. On the other hand another train passenger Maulana and his wife's story and the story will give the reader a good idea about the society. Another main character in the story is a minister. With the loss of his ministry, the attitude of his family and the people around him came to the fore. Eventually the rumors broke and he regained his ministry. One of the main themes of the story is that people don't really recognize those who help a lot. Awesome novel overall. I hope the reader will read the book and feel that he has passed a quality time. Going out of the world for a while will introduce some people to the reader who will feel like someone very close